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CrossFit Program -4th September – 10th September 2023

Geoff Stewart | 03-09-2023
Week 5. Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Tuesday – Snatch /front squats Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics Friday – Clean Saturday – Back squats-Intensification Sunday - Service   Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Sumo Deadlift  5x3-5 65-85% Seated OH press 4x6-8 plus 1x effort @80% ME   Split stance RDL 8el practise free HS holds -with partner   YGIG as you split as... [Read more]

CrossFit Program -28th August – 3rd September 2023

Geoff Stewart | 27-08-2023
Week 4. This week is about hitting your groove and building on the numbers. We are still keeping the rep number high across the board as we are in our adaptation phase (building) Remember we don't need to crawl out of the gym after every workout thing form and quality.   Monday – Deadlift/bench -adaption Tuesday – Snatch /front squats Wednesday... [Read more]

CrossFit Program -21st August – 27th August 2023

Geoff Stewart | 20-08-2023
Week 3. We settle into the rhyme this week we work our number and we begin to build toward the tests which will be coming around in 5-6 weeks time.   Monday – Deadlift/bench -adaption Tuesday – Snatch /front squats Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics Friday – Clean Saturday – Back squats-adaption Sunday - Service   Monday – Deadlift/bench -adaption Deadlift... [Read more]

Strong Con Workout 3

Jenna Fisher | 14-08-2023
StrongCon Workout 3   Part A - spicy weight, steady reps Back squat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Devil's press (single DB) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Cals 5, 5, 10, 10, 15, 15, 20, 20, 25, 25   Part B - fast pace Assault bike 3x 15 secs max... [Read more]

CrossFit Program -14th August – 20th August 2023

Geoff Stewart | 13-08-2023
Week 2. How did you get on last week with tests 1 and 2? This week we have 2 more tests coming your way a rowing test where you're going to have to commit yourself and a 20min AMRAP which will be about passing and smoothness. There is also the usual mixture of lifting shifting moving and breathing to keep... [Read more]

Strong Con Workout 2

Jenna Fisher | 09-08-2023
StrongCon Workout 2 Part A BB thruster 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 Burpee 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 DB snatch 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 each arm Cals 14 for all rounds 60-90 secs rest   Part B 40 walking lunges with DBs or short BB 400 m run 40 ring rows 60-90 secs rest 30 walking lunges with DBs... [Read more]

Strong Con Workout 1

Jenna Fisher | 07-08-2023
StrongCon Workout 1 4 min stations. 90 secs rest AMRAP: 5 deadlift + 5 burpee over the bar, lateral jump 2 rounds: 1 min BB floor chest press + 1 min plank or sit ups 4 rounds: 45 secs ski (hard effort) 15 secs rest AMRAP: 10 DB squat + 10 DB snatch each arm HALF-TIME EXTRA REST 4 min... [Read more]

CrossFit Program -7th August – 13th August 2023

Geoff Stewart | 06-08-2023
Week 1. Heading into a new training phase this week. This is going to be an 8-week phase with a switch around of training days at 4 weeks, just to keep things fresh and you all guessing. As always, I’ll do my normal spiel about CrossFit being a GPP general physical preparedness program.   "GPP stands for General Physical Preparedness,... [Read more]

CrossFit Program -31st July – 6th August 2023

Geoff Stewart | 30-07-2023
Week 4. This is the final week of this short block as it's our competition week (Saturday). This week we are sticking to the basics, basic lifts, honing our old skills and working our WODs. If you competing you might want to back up a tiny bit towards the end of the week   Monday – Snatch Tuesday – Squat... [Read more]