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Barbell Club – September

Jenna Fisher
  Barbell Club is open to everyone so do feel welcome to come - the coaches will adapt the exercises to your level of experience. Starting on bank holiday Monday, the new Barbell Club program: Barbell Club program - 30th August to 27th September 2021 Now that you have got to grips with the Wendler format I have increased the... [Read more]

September Gymnastics Programming

Anthony Masters | 25-08-2021
Hello guys, After having worked on strength the last couple of months, this final phase gives you the opportunity to play around with some kipping variations of the Bar Muscle Up. You can also continue working towards the stricter version too if wanted. (more…)

G.P.P training program 16-22nd Aug

Josh Schouten | 14-08-2021
  Over the last couple of weeks we have also had the chance to test some 1,3 and 5RMs. This should give us some good numbers to aim for during this next phase of training we will drop the Wednesday testing. The testing will return in 3 months, giving us plenty of time to focus on training with the aim... [Read more]

StrongCon August – September

Jenna Fisher | 09-08-2021
After an intense six weeks with lots of repeated intervals, you will be doing just two per class in the form of a challenge. At the start of class, you will pick a mode (bike/row/run/ski/double-unders/wall ball/dead-ball) to test a max effort for either 45, 90 or 180 seconds. Towards the end of the class, you will repeat the test with... [Read more]

G.P.P training program 9 – 15th Aug

Josh Schouten | 08-08-2021
  Over the last couple of weeks we have also had the chance to test some 1,3 and 5RMs. This should give us some good numbers to aim for during this next phase of training we will drop the Wednesday testing. The testing will return in 3 months, giving us plenty of time to focus on training with the aim... [Read more]

August Mobility class programming

Anthony Masters | 03-08-2021
Hello guys, Quick info about what to expect in each week's class during this month's mobility classes, if you didn’t know yes there is a mobility class every tues @ 6:30pm arch 328! (more…)

August Gymnastics programming

Anthony Masters
Hello everyone, So we go into Part.2 of strength building via the strict bar muscle up approach. This also means trying to jump a few levels for the regulars. The skill section at the start will be a combination of or either/ or of 2 exercises based on your current level & interest. We will run through the various progressions... [Read more]