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Crossfit Program 29/10/18 – 4/11/18

Geoff Stewart | 26-10-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 9 of our 2018 training plan. Week 9. It's getting even tastier this week. We want you to build your weights on your main lifts. This doesn't mean start light, it means start with a GOOD weight and build on it. Your final set should be pretty close to failure (but remember we ain't doing... [Read more]

Gymnastics – Competition Scores – Week 2

Jenna Fisher | 22-10-2018
It's hotting up! This month's gymnastics classes have been challenged with accumulating as many points as they can over the month to compete with the other classes for a team trophy and prize. After a practice week (week zero), 6am won the first competition and 8am won the second. Now they go head-to-head in the final week to claim the... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan 22/10/2018 -28/10/2018

Geoff Stewart | 19-10-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 8 of our 2018 training plan. Week 8. This week you'll be repeating your basic lifts from last week, so look for a few extra kilos on the bars. You should still be making all your lifts: we are not in the realm of failing reps or sets. We don't write a "de-load week" into... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 15/10/2018 -21/10/2018

Geoff Stewart | 14-10-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 7 of our 2018 training plan. Week 7. Moving things around and switching things up. We'll be working on some lower reps ranges this week. If you ask me, this is where a lot the magic happens... It's a balance between volume, strength, recovery and mental fortitude.   When your doing box step ups don't... [Read more]

Gymnastics – Competition Scores – Week 1

Jenna Fisher | 11-10-2018
Both the 6am and 8am teams improved their scores massively this week - one just over and one just under doubling them! The tables were turned however, with 8am's sizeable lead in the practice run being reversed by 6am this week. With a prize for the winner thrown into the ring there is everything to play for now. No matter... [Read more]

Gymnastics competition scores – practice week

Jenna Fisher | 10-10-2018
After the nerves and excitement (and "admirable" number of questions from 6am) the creases were ironed out during last week's practice and we have a solid plan for the rest of the month's competition. 6am v 8am scores are detailed on the attached spreadsheet. See where the points are being scored and how you can strategise to turn the tables... [Read more]