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Heavy Metcon 21/12/2016

Geoff Stewart | 20-12-2016
Warm up for the workout   On your own get yourselves a barbell and warm up for a 75% clean and press   EMOM 0-5. 3x Clean press 5-10. “Cindy” 10-15. 3x Clean press 15-20. alt bike / rower 25-30. 3x Clean press 35-40. “Cindy”   “Cindy” 5x Pull ups 10x press ups 15x air squats     Good luck... [Read more]

2017 Membership and Inbody scan offers

Geoff Stewart | 19-12-2016
We will be running two new year offers this year: Refer a friend for 30% off If you refer a friend (who is brand new to Momentum Training) between now and the end of February 2017 we’ll give you both 30% off one month’s membership (including Foundations or met con, if your friend hasn’t CrossFitted before). You both need to purchase... [Read more]

Results of the Momentum membership survey 2016 – part 2

Geoff Stewart | 13-12-2016
Following on from last week’s post on the highs and lows of our survey feedback, some other specific points you raised (and our responses) are below in a Q&A format. As before, even if we don’t address your comments directly, please know that we have taken them on board – feel free to approach us to chat further if you would... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 15/12/2016

Geoff Stewart
Warm up (cos you know you need to) KB swing x10 Walkout to press ups x10 KB Squats x10 Ring rows x10 KB russian baby makers x10 5 rounds please Workout Working on your own. EMOM you  5 reps of exercise A  then return to main exercise for remainder of minute. Your on each station for 5mins. Burpees x5 Bench... [Read more]

12 Days of Momentum Christmas

Geoff Stewart | 11-12-2016
The final 12 days of Momentum Christmas is finally with us. We have a treat in store for all you kind and merry folk, no we ain't going to ban Josh and his xmas jokes from the gym, but we should. We have a little programming Christmas cracker for you coming up. We have gone out and asked your coaches... [Read more]

Results of the Momentum membership survey 2016 – part 1

Geoff Stewart | 07-12-2016
A huge thank you to everyone who filled out this year's members' survey. We really appreciate your feedback and although we are constantly talking to you throughout the year and hope we are broadly in touch with what you’re thinking, it’s really useful to get some more in depth feedback on some specific points. We have read all your responses... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 7/12/2016

Geoff Stewart | 06-12-2016
Warm up like you know you should   Extension to the warm up because we all you didn't warm up like you should. working with a partner YGIG format 10 deadlifts 10 ground to over head x10 rounds each start light increase weight slowly but DON'T go heavy.   Workout A working with a partner E2MO2M x5 round each 3x Deadlifts... [Read more]

The Momentum 12 days of Christmas workouts

Geoff Stewart | 05-12-2016
 After the final week of this phase (5th-11th December)  Christmas is almost so close you can smell the turkey. We have a little programming treat for you coming up. We have gone out and asked your coaches to design the 12 sessions of Momentum Christmas. Each coach has designed a specific workout which they feel you guys might (I use... [Read more]