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CFH TRAINING PLAN 29/08/16 – 4/09/16 WEEK 2

Geoff Stewart | 27-08-2016
So how did you find the first week of our Adaptation phase, can you feel those foundations being reinforced? This week we are going to continue the theme with our basic lifts up first followed by some more gassy items. In our world there are always squats and then more squats, there are more squat variations than there are days... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 24/8/16

Geoff Stewart | 23-08-2016
              Warm up –like you mean it.   Working in a YGIG format with a partner Bear Complex: Power clean Front squat Push jerk Back squat Rack jerk   Round 1 – 6mins 3reps each movement with a lightish weight Rounds 2 – 6mins 2 reps each movement with a mediumish weight Round 3... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 22/08/16 – 28/08/16 WEEK 1

Geoff Stewart | 21-08-2016
Welcome to a new program at Momentum Training. Over the years we have presented many different styles of training and we are super proud of the work you have put in and goals you have achieved over the years. These cannot just be measured in terms of amount of weight lifted, your 1rm, how many pull ups you can do,... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 17/8/16

Geoff Stewart | 16-08-2016
                Warm up for main workout   With a BB and a partner 8 mins YGIG Muscle cleans x5 Clean high pull x5 Power clean x5 Front squats x5 Back squat x5   Simple and steady 50 Power cleans 40 Back squats 30 Power cleans 20 Front squats 10 Power cleans The RX... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 15/08/16 – 21/08/16 WEEK 16

Geoff Stewart | 14-08-2016
Welcome to the final week of this training plan phase - we are looking for some big lifts this week. Hopefully you have all tracked your progress and are going to put up some big numbers and ring the bell with some new PB lifts.  These numbers will give you a good idea of the sort of weights you should... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 10/8/16

Geoff Stewart | 09-08-2016
Massive shout out to our Jenna for rocking the fort over the last few weeks. Rumor on the streets is that she smashed you guys and the boys had to get comfortable with short shorts. Big thanks Jenna lots of shoes to fill. x Warm up - 8 mins KB squats 10 Press ups walk outs 5 KB swings 10... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 8/08/16 – 14/08/16 WEEK 14

Josh Schouten | 07-08-2016
This week sees week 1 of the Olympic games commence. The achievements of all of these athletes are commendable, to say the least. Whatever you strive for in life you need to work for it. Something that we focus on at Momentum Training. While we focus on community and having fun remember we are also here to work hard in... [Read more]

Beginners Weightlifting Course: Sep-Oct 2016

Josh Schouten | 01-08-2016
Guess who's back, back againCalums back, tell a friendGuess who's back, guess who's back?Guess who's back? Are you new to Olympic lifting, or are you still trying to master the skills need to perform the snatch, the clean & jerk?   It’s your lucky day!  Here is your chance to gain both the knowledge and the skills, under the watchful eye... [Read more]