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Heavy Metcon 27/9/2016

Geoff Stewart | 27-09-2016
              Warm up For the workouts   Working with a partner in a YGIG format for 5 rounds each   Leg crank on acid Back squats 6 reps @ 120% BW + Walking lunges 12 reps 70%BW+ Box jumps 12 reps Box step ups 12el   Upper body crank on acid Bench press x6... [Read more]

Making mind gains?

Gains! All of us are trying to make gains. Every week we turn up at the gym, we put the work in, we get uncomfortable, and we even put up with the coaches' banter. We know that being fitter, faster, and stronger benefits our health in all sorts of ways, but does training at Momentum help our minds as well... [Read more]

5 Common Mistakes for Fat Loss:

Josh Schouten | 26-09-2016
The Momentum Small Group Body Composition P.T has been ticking over smoothly for the last 8 weeks.  We have a very consistent bunch of hard working members who are taking the additional steps required to improve their body composition, get lean and improve overall health.   A big part of this is education and lifestyle changes outside of the gym.... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan 26/9/2016-2/10/2016

Geoff Stewart | 25-09-2016
Heading into week 2 of our GPP intensification phase and how are you finding it?  Our aim this week is to put a few more kg on the functional rep ranges and aim to get a few extra reps out of your timed pieces on our foundation movements. Reps x weight = total volume - how are these numbers standing... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 21/9/16

Geoff Stewart | 20-09-2016
Its all about the numbers.. Warm up like you mean it.   With a BB. Muscle cleans x5 High clean pull x5 Power clean x5 Push press x5   Increase weight on the bar slowly until to a good weight then move to clean and press and build to a good heavy single approx. 70% 1rpm   Workout in pairs... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan 19/9/2016-25/9/2016

Geoff Stewart | 18-09-2016
We are moving into week 1 of our intensification phase of training. Our training days are shifting around. We are looking to start pushing a bit more weight through this period which means we will be lowering the rep ranges and playing around with the overall volume of the sessions (this doesn’t mean you’ll be sitting around checking out your... [Read more]

Crossfit Training program 12/9/16-18/9/16

Geoff Stewart | 11-09-2016
  So! Into Week 4 of our adaption phase we go and we are going to turn it up a little. You folk should have been tracking your numbers and now is the week to ask yourself a few questions. Muhammad Ali was asked how many sit ups he does a day: his answer was that he didn’t know because... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 7/9/2016

Geoff Stewart | 06-09-2016
Heavy Breathless "CINDY" Warm up for the work out. Deadlifts DB press Back squats Build up to your working weights..   Working in 3 in a follow the leader format (start after squats) for 30mins or 10 rounds each Deadlifts x3 @ 150bw+ DB incline press x6 @ 33%bw+ each arm BB back squats x9 @BW+ Row 200mtrs @ 80% alternate with... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 9 – The Godfather

Jenna Fisher | 04-09-2016
Barbell Club Phase 9 - The Godfather After the success of Arnold’s Blueprint we will be using Joe Weider’s muscle confusion technique for the next phase. The number of sets and reps will change each week so that your body does not know what is coming next. The variation of the lift might also change, as might the equipment (i.e.... [Read more]