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CFH Training Plan 25/04/2016 – 01/05/2016

Josh Schouten | 24-04-2016
Week 5 of 5 The BUILDING Phase COACHES COMMENT:   RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: Supplement Weight Lifting with Core Strength - Big, compound lifts are fantastic at building maximal strength and power, but there are more physical qualities that go untrained if you do not expose your body to other movements Stress Is Ruining Your Fitness - Training really comes... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 20/4/16

Geoff Stewart | 19-04-2016
How brave are you?   1minute bench press  @100% BW   1minute Deadlifts @ 140% BW   1minute rope slams double arm   Working with a partner “TAIL PIPE” – Gym Jones -row 250m AFAP -hold 2x24/16kg KB's in a racked position whilst partner rows 250m Alternate and repeat for 3 rounds AFAP

10 Rules for Students, Teachers, and Life by John Cage

Josh Schouten
Something a little different this week, something that all of us should stop and read often. I've just spend the last week in Thailand on Ido Portal's Movement Camp 2016, and Ido kick of this year in the same manner as the 2015 camp.  The 10 rules for students, teachers and life by John Cage. RULE ONE: Find a place you... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 13/4/16

Geoff Stewart | 12-04-2016
  Number 5s Heavy Metcon   Warm up KB squats 10 Walking lunges 10 KB swing 10 Press up 5 X5 rounds   Working with a partner in a UGIG format working through list. Bench press 5x5 Double KB / DB man makers YGIG 5 reps each Deadlifts 5x5 Double KB / DB man makers YGIG 5 reps each Pull... [Read more]

CFH Training Plan 11/04/2016 – 17/04/2016

Josh Schouten | 10-04-2016
Week 3 of 5 The BUILDING Phase COACHES COMMENT: What top 5 supplements should CrossFitters and Met-conners be taking to support their training and to help them recover effectively?  (read more) RECOMMENDED WEEKLY READING: Periodize Focus, Not Just Intensity - However, unless you’re an elite athlete, a more well-rounded program may serve you better. Specialists in a single sport tend... [Read more]

Top 5 Supplements CrossFitters Should be Taking

Josh Schouten
I'm not a massive advocate of taking or recommending huge amounts of supplements if the nutrition is not also in check.   There is very little point in wasting your money on high quality supplements if your going to eat shit.  The priority to any good nutrition plan should be: 1. Hydration is key - you need to be staying... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 4

Josh Schouten | 04-04-2016
Well done to everyone for your performance during the last phase. The classes have been pumping and I’ve seen some great progress. Keep up the good work.  (more…)