Barbell Club program - October 2023 Timetable change: Barbell Club will now be at 7.30pm on Monday nights instead of Tuesdays. Jenna will teach this class in the front room of arch 328 (metcon remains in the big room).
Week 1/10. It's a whole new programme, with a slightly different take from your man A.Waller. He will be taking the reins until Xmas 2o23 as Geoff and I take a back seat and see where this takes us. Here's a little bit from the man himself. 🚨‼️New Training Cycle‼️🚨 With your fresh programme starting on Monday... [Read more]
Week 8. The final week of this somewhat short training block. You have another 2 tests this week as well as all the fun and games as normal. Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Tuesday – Snatch /front squats Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics Friday – Clean Saturday – Back squats-Intensification Sunday - Service Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Sumo Deadlift 5x3... [Read more]
StrongCon Workout 2 13 min AMRAP 6 back squat 12 push-ups 6 burpee 24 walking lunges DB 13 min AMRAP 1 min hits for maximum cals Time each minute from when you start on the machine Alternate between the two machines Add up total cals accumulated over the 13 mins CHOOSE 1 COMBO: Assault bike and rower or Assault... [Read more]
StrongCon Workout 1 30 secs work 30 secs rest 40 secs work 20 secs rest 50 secs work 10 secs rest 60 secs work 90-120 secs rest - move to next exercise rower (can do 4 mins straight for this one if need to use it for warm-up) deadlift - can do singles burpee box jump - move fast DB... [Read more]
Week 7. You have some Test's workouts coming your way this week. You have done these before so you know what's coming be prepared and commit yourself. Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Tuesday – Snatch /front squats Wednesday – Conditioning Thursday – Gymnastics Friday – Clean Saturday – Back squats-Intensification Sunday - Service Monday – Deadlift/bench -Intensification Sumo Deadlift 5x3 @85%... [Read more]
Barbell Club format is changing for this month. Rather than two full leg days there will now only be one. The second leg session will change to focus on glutes, arms and traps. Most people do one or two other classes per week in addition to BBC so you have lots of legs covered and in some instances too much.... [Read more]