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Josh Schouten | 25-06-2013
Strength A. Clean 8 x 2-3reps rst :90 (or 20minutes to practice clean technique) B. DE: Front Squat 3reps on :60 for 8min (wk1: 65%, wk2: 70%, wk3: 75% 1RM") W.O.D CrossFit Games 11.5 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 Power cleans 65/40kg 10 Toes to bar 15 Wall balls (7/5kg to 10/6'... [Read more]

24/06/2013 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten | 24-06-2013
Triathlete: Day 1: Swim - 3 x (50 m/y, 100 m/y, 200 m/y) recover 1:1 work/recover ratio Day 2: Bike - 3 x (1/2M, 1M, 2M) recover 1:1 work/recover ratio Day 3: Run - 3 x (200m, 400m, 600m) recover 1:1 work/recover ratio Day 4: Swim - 8 x 20sec on : 10sec off, use pool or open water Day 5 : Bike - 5k @... [Read more]


Josh Schouten
Strength A-1 Pull-ups 5 x CFA: 4-6 reps 30x0 BC: 4 eccentric reps 8000 rst :90 A-2 CFA: 10* Incline Bench 5 x 4-6 reps 30x0 :90 BC: Heels elevated goblet squats 5 x 15-20reps 20x0 :90 B-1 KB Clean and Press 3 x 8-10each arm 31x0 :45 B-2 Seated Face Pull w/ band 3 x 10-12reps 30x1 :45 W.O.D... [Read more]

Mix the workout tunes HACKNEY

Josh Schouten | 23-06-2013
Recent scientific studies have shown that our member’s workout harder when they are NOT listening to Geoff’s collection of Britney Spears.  For this very reason we are handing the DJ headphones and mixing decks over to you… it’s your turn to mix the workout tunes HACKNEY!!!  Let’s hear what you got. Dance, House, Hip-Hop, Rock, or Classical…  You may have... [Read more]


Josh Schouten
Strength A-1 Box Squats (5cm below parallel) 5 x CFA:4-6reps (+25kg chain) BC:6-8reps 30x0 rst :90 A-2 CFA: Single Leg RDL (KB) 5 x 8-10each leg 30x0 rst :90 BC: Push Heavy Sled 5 x 2 lengths of track rst :60 B-1 FFE Split Squats (KB/BB) 3 x 8-10 each 31x0 :45 B-2 GHD/GHR 3 x 8-10  31x0 :45 W.O.D... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 22-06-2013
Strength A High Hang Power Snatch 6 x 3-5reps XXXX rst :120 B-1 Strict Toes-2-bar / K2E / Reverse Crunch 3 x 15-20reps 2010 rst :30 B-2 Plank (:45) 3 x 1 rep rst :30 W.O.D Chief Cindy Set the clock to 19minutes Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Rest 1 minute. Repeat... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 21-06-2013
Strength & Skill A-1 Push-Press 5 x CFA: 4-6reps BC: 6-8reps 2010 rst :90 A-2 Close Grip Chin-ups (hands together) 5 x CFA: 4-6reps BC: 6-8reps 3010 rst :90 B-1 (skill) Wall Walks / Wheel barrow walks with partner backwards and forwards/ Hand Walk outs 3 x 5reps rst :45 B-2 (skill) Kipping Practice 3 x 15-20reps 3110 rst :45... [Read more]


Josh Schouten | 20-06-2013
Strength & Skill A-1 Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 x CFA: 4-6reps BC: 6-8reps 40x0 rst :90 A-2 Pistol Squats / (regressions) 5 x 8-10reps each leg 2010 rst :60 B-1 GHR or Nordic raise (on floor partner holds feet) 3 x 6-8reps 3010 rst :45 B-2 Band pull throughs CFA:3 x 10-12reps BC: 10-15reps 31x0 rst :45 W.O.D 21-15-9 reps... [Read more]

30-Day Paleo Challenge #withmomentum

Josh Schouten | 19-06-2013
One July 13th Momentum Training will be hosting its first of many Paleo Seminar.  We will also be encouraging all of our members to participate in a 30-day Paleo challenge.  Are you in? How the challenge works: On July 21st we will commence a 30 days STRICT Paleo with the following points system Points are awarded as per the below... [Read more]