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Crossfit training plan – 18/6/18 – 24/6/18

Geoff Stewart | 15-06-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week  8 of our 2018 training plan. Week 8. Its finally arrived the final week of this phase and what a great phase its been. Lets finish it in style please. Add some weight, work on hitting those numbers with magnificent form and style.   Simple and effective x (more…)

Heavy MetCon – 13th June

Josh Schouten | 11-06-2018
  This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome! (more…)

Crossfit training plan – 11/6/18 – 17/6/18

Geoff Stewart | 07-06-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week 7 of our 2018 training plan. Week 7. We are heading into the final 2 weeks of this current phase of training and from the feedback from our coaches and you the members, it sounds like some quality gains are being made and, as importantly, lots of you are enjoying yourselves. Same as last week,... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon – 6th June

Jenna Fisher | 05-06-2018
  This is an advanced class. The main lifts are with barbells. You must know how to perform these movements without instruction and be confident in holding form whilst under fatigue. Other than that, all are welcome. Do come and enjoy x (more…)

How we use cookies

Geoff Stewart | 03-06-2018
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan- 4/6/18 – 10/6/18

Geoff Stewart | 01-06-2018
Welcome to Phase 3, week 6 of our 2018 training plan. Week 6. We are keeping it simple this week. You folk are a bunch of ledgends you know how and when to put the effort in, your got pockets full of skills lets get this week busted.   Keep it simple - jut do the work. (more…)

CrossFit Gymnastics – June 2018

Jenna Fisher | 28-05-2018
Last year we spent a month improving your Murph times by testing different formats for completing the reps. This month we will do the same for the traditional 21, 15, 9 format (more…)

Barbell Club – June 2018

Jenna Fisher | 27-05-2018
June will bring the final results of what you have been building over the last five months. This is where you can enjoy the reward of your consistency and dedication and lift some heavy weight. (more…)