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Crossfit Training program 12/9/16-18/9/16

Geoff Stewart | 11-09-2016
  So! Into Week 4 of our adaption phase we go and we are going to turn it up a little. You folk should have been tracking your numbers and now is the week to ask yourself a few questions. Muhammad Ali was asked how many sit ups he does a day: his answer was that he didn’t know because... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 7/9/2016

Geoff Stewart | 06-09-2016
Heavy Breathless "CINDY" Warm up for the work out. Deadlifts DB press Back squats Build up to your working weights..   Working in 3 in a follow the leader format (start after squats) for 30mins or 10 rounds each Deadlifts x3 @ 150bw+ DB incline press x6 @ 33%bw+ each arm BB back squats x9 @BW+ Row 200mtrs @ 80% alternate with... [Read more]

Barbell Club Phase 9 – The Godfather

Jenna Fisher | 04-09-2016
Barbell Club Phase 9 - The Godfather After the success of Arnold’s Blueprint we will be using Joe Weider’s muscle confusion technique for the next phase. The number of sets and reps will change each week so that your body does not know what is coming next. The variation of the lift might also change, as might the equipment (i.e.... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 5/09/16 – 11/09/16 WEEK 3

Geoff Stewart
 We are heading into week 3 of our adaption phase of training. Hopefully you have spent and are spending some time at the bottom of the squat position and things are loosening up and you can spend more time down there without feeling like you've been run over by a rhino or Anthony. Within our training plan we repeat our major lifts week... [Read more]

Weapons September 2016

Josh Schouten | 01-09-2016
Weapons you guys are doing some awesome work, the improvement of everyone's gymnastics over the last few phases is epic. We're now playing with some technical movements that we need for those comps we all want to be qualifying for. So September will see lots more olly lifting, big strength lifts, hard ass Lactic work and some Long wods on... [Read more]

Gymnastics Phase 5: Pike Mobility, Shoulder Stands & Levers

Josh Schouten | 31-08-2016
Progress is not made in giant leaps when it comes to mastering you body weights.  If you've not had a chance to listen to coach Sommers (US Gymnastic coach and founder of GymnasticsBodies ) talk to Tim Ferris I highly recommend it (Part 1 The Secret of Gymnastic Strength, Part 2 The Secrets of Gymnastic Strength Training, Part Two — Home... [Read more]

Thursday Night Rowing Class

Josh Schouten
Due to popular demand Momentum Training will be adding a specific rowing class to the weekly schedule in September. On Thursday 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th the 7:30pm the CrossFit class will become a rowing class. (more…)

Small Group Body Composition P.T Phase (PM Sessions)

Josh Schouten | 28-08-2016
A new phase of the PM Body Composition P.T session with StreTch is about to start. This phase will focus on Escalating Velocity Body Composition Training and the joys of lactic acid production <insert evil laughter>... Research conducted by Romanian exercise scientist Hala Rambie found that the lactic acid training was far superior for fat loss than aerobic training. Yes, you read... [Read more]