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CFH TRAINING PLAN 25/7/16 – 31/07/16 WEEK 12

Josh Schouten | 24-07-2016
The mindset you choose is direction in which you grow and develop. Training is one thing but the mindset we have around this is another. This weeks goal is to sit back and think about what you're going to achieve this week. Everyone's goal is different and that is ok, pay attention to what it is you strive for and... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 20/07/2016

Jenna Fisher | 19-07-2016
Jenna standing in for Geoff this week, so there will be some decent tunes 4 rounds (16 mins) 30 secs row 30 secs deadlift @ 1.25 bw 60 secs KBS 2 mins rest   4 rounds (16 mins) 30 secs row 30 secs power clean @.85 bw 60 secs KB snatch 2 mins rest   6 rounds (12 mins) 60... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 18/7/16 – 24/07/16 WEEK 12

Geoff Stewart | 17-07-2016
We are heading into the final week of our 1 1/4 reps and those reps are looking great people keep the faith and keep strong people. The team at Momentum have had a lot of experience and without dough the most important component of a good training program is consistency. keep coming keep doing. CF_Hackney_Strength_Phase_2016

Gymnastics Phase 4: Ring & P-Bar Routines

Josh Schouten | 14-07-2016
For the last 4 month the “gymnasts" at Momentum have steadily increase their bent arm strength in both pushing and pulling movements.  Countless sets and reps have seen many of you make gradual progressions with your gymnastics strength training (GST). This new phase is going to put this GST to use as we start to introduce small gymnastics ring and parallel bar... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 13/6/16

Geoff Stewart | 12-07-2016
    Warm up   Working with a partner YGIG Goblet squats 5x5 Weighted Press ups 5x5 KB swings 5x5 Ring rows 5x5   Working in teams in a EMOM format for 12 mins per staion A Deadlifts x5 and target jumps ME B bench press x5 and Rope smash ME C Back squats x5 and Ball slams ME  ... [Read more]

Some membership FAQs from Craig

Geoff Stewart | 11-07-2016
Can I book classes on my phone? Yes! Download the MindBody app from the App Store or Google Play and then create an account with the same email address as your MindBody online account. You should then be able to access the Momentum schedule from your favourites and start booking classes. Here are the instructions. How can I change my membership? Send... [Read more]

CFH TRAINING PLAN 11/7/16 – 17/07/16 WEEK 11

Josh Schouten | 10-07-2016
This week we will start to see some of the workouts appear from the London Box Battles. This event is being held at CrossFit Hackney Saturday 23rd July. This is a teams event so if you haven't entered already and would like to find a partner please ask around or come and see one of the staff and we will... [Read more]

Heavy Retcon 6/7/16

Geoff Stewart | 05-07-2016
  Warm up Wall squats 2-4-6-8-10 Ring rows 2-4-6-8-10 Air squats 2-4-6-8-10 Press ups 2-4-6-8-10   Do some work.. EMOM - go heavy for 32mins Deadlifts 5 Dips 5 Double KB walking lunges 5el Pull ups (strict) 5   Earn your rest.. In teams of 4 each much row 150mtrs AFAP in a 4 min window if your not rowing your doing: 1 Stick jumps... [Read more]

CrossFit Engineering July 2016

Josh Schouten | 04-07-2016
CrossFit Engineering   Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Monday Warm Up /Skill Squat / Bending Mechanics Muscle Clean x 5 High Hang Power Clean x 5 Strict Press x 5 Push Press x 5 Power Clean + Push Press x 5 Squat / Bending Mechanics Muscle Clean x 5 High Hang Power Clean x 5 Strict Press... [Read more]