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StrongCon Workout 1

Jenna Fisher | 24-10-2021
  StrongCon workouts are changing this week. I will post them individually and then again in one document at the end of the week.  Workout 1 will be done on Tuesday this week (Thursday next week, Sunday the following week).   Workout 1 - gas day (lung buster) (more…)

G.P.P training program 25th – 31st October

Josh Schouten
  As we are starting a new phase that will take us up to the Christmas lift-off we will be starting back with some technical work on the Oly lifting and some higher volume on the main lifts. I would strongly suggest knowing what your percentages are before class so when in class we can have a good idea of... [Read more]

Mobility Class: Oct/ Nov Program

Anthony Masters | 17-10-2021
Hello guys, Quick update, the mobility class on Tuesdays 6:30pm has been moved over to arch 325 (spin studio) where it is warmer and there is more space. For the new joiners, this is a class focused on helping our bodies move and feel better (through mobilising, stretching & strength training) so that we can show some love to our... [Read more]

BBC Hypertrophy Add-On

Jenna Fisher | 12-10-2021
Barbell Club focuses on a strength program with supporting accessories and those who have been dedicated to this have been achieving great results. For those who would like more hypertrophy, I have created an add-on program that you can use alongside your other classes. Barbell Club Hypertrophy Add-On With only a 3-day per week program BBC is not able to... [Read more]

StrongCon update

Jenna Fisher | 04-10-2021
As you know, during this 6-week block, workout 3 remains on Sundays to enable access to the spin studio. Workouts 1 and 2 are therefore alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays rather than Sunday as well. For this reason, the exercises are changing this week (week 3) to provide variety. See below for the new workouts: (more…)

Gymnastics October Program

Anthony Masters | 29-09-2021
Hello team, First off big well done to those that got their first bar muscle up and everyone else that generally got stronger with a bag of new skills along the way. This month we start a new cycle which will be a 6 week block in 2 phases. (more…)