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148 Search Results for scales

G.P.P. training program 3rd August -9th August 2020

Geoff Stewart | 31-07-2020
    Welcome back and isn’t it great? So how are you all finding the new set up and timetable? And much more importantly how are you all feeling? We have had some feedback about trouble with stairs, getting on and off the toilet and putting object into cupboards above eyelevel. We did warn you many many times. For most... [Read more]

Strong Con

Josh Schouten | 26-07-2020
StrongCon will consist of half strength and half conditioning. Think Barbell Club meets MetCon. The strength element will be a scale-up from regular MetCon by replacing dumbbells with barbells for the main lifts*. This will give you the opportunity to add some weight to your squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead work. (*All movements will be fully taught to any... [Read more]

GPP training program 27th – 2nd August 2020

Geoff Stewart
    Welcome back and isn’t it great? As we hope you’re all aware we are running a slightly different set up, timetable and program at the moment due to this thing called Corona. Our GPP program is exactly what is says, General Physical Preparedness. Our aim in this first 1-3 weeks is to get you all back into the... [Read more]

Crossfit program 9th-15th December

Geoff Stewart | 08-12-2019
  Lets get into it Week 3-4. Beware the party bus...If you do get on board bring water and try and train please. Keep those pies warm..... Monday - Squats and no time like now Tuesday - Snatching and Thruster. Wednesday -team ladders Thursday -Unicorn ninja magic stuff Friday - Deadlift, bench press  work hard and rest harder. Saturday -... [Read more]

Crossfit program 18th November to 24th November

Geoff Stewart | 17-11-2019
Week 12 of 12 . Week 12, Can you believe it? Its finally come around the final week of this training phase and (as far as i can see) its been a goody. No one had died and everyone is looking solid. We got some fun and some challenges for you to end this phase with. Be brave but not... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 28th October to 3rd November

Geoff Stewart | 27-10-2019
Week 9 of 12 . Week 9, We are back to our basic lifting session. Lots of 5x5 sets this week. In lifting and fitness terms these are some magic numbers we would like you look at lifting a good % of your 1RPM to build some good capacity at a good weight. Work your WODs keep it clean. Monday... [Read more]

Crossfit Program 21st-27th October 2019

Geoff Stewart | 20-10-2019
Week 8 of 12 . Week 8, this is our abstract week were we mess about with the plan and go of pietse Good luck be brave check your shoe laces. Monday - Cleans, pull ups and  a "sinking boat" Tuesday - Bench press  and "all the ups" Wednesday -"searching" Thursday -Unicorn ninja magic stuff Friday - Deadlift, pressing and... [Read more]

New Class! StrongCon

Jenna Fisher | 15-10-2019
StrongCon is a new class that will be starting on Monday 4th November. The class will be half strength and half conditioning. Think barbell club meets metcon. The weightlifting element will be a scale-up from regular metcon by replacing dumbbells with barbells for the main lifts*. This will give you the opportunity to add some weight to your squat, deadlift,... [Read more]