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Guest Post: My Momentum Met-con Experience

Josh Schouten | 05-06-2013
We're delighted to share the following thoughts from a recent  first time attendee at Geoff's met-con class. Metabolic conditioning? What's that then, eh? Sounds painful, I thought. (And it was, but in a good way). It turned out to be a kind of hardcore circuits class, but with far more exciting equipment (think tractor tyres, hammers and chains) and far... [Read more]


Josh Schouten
Strength & Skill A-1 Strict OHP 4 x CrossFit Athlete 6-10 Body Composition 8-12 30x1 rest :60 A-2 Kipping / Butterfly practice 4 x 15-20 1010 rest :60 B-1 BB Floor Press  3 x CrossFit Athlete 8-10 Body Composition 8-12 2010 rest :60 B-2 1-Arm Row 3x CrossFit Athlete 8-10 Body Composition 8-12 2010 rest :60   W.O.D Helen 3 rounds for... [Read more]

04/06/2013 Momentum Met-con

Josh Schouten | 04-06-2013
Warm-up Team of 2 people spend 4 mins on each paired station: Station 1: Rower and Bent over forward sled drag @ 70kg Station 2: Drop Lunge and Ab-mat Sit-up Station 3: High to Low Plank and Farmers Carry 2x12kg or 2 x 20kg Station 4: Air Squats and Sled push with Sled rope pull After 1 round: 1min of inverse ring rows... [Read more]


Josh Schouten
Strength A-1 Sumo Dead lift 4 x CrossFit Athlete 3-5 Body Composition 6-10 31x1 rest :60 A-2 Press-ups 4 x AMAP 2010 rest :60 B-1 Walking Lunges w/ KB Front Rack 3 x 22-24 2010 rest :30 B-2 KB Swings 15-20 XXXX rest :30   W.O.D For time: Buy in 25 Burpees Then - 50 Wall ball 7/5kg 25 jumps... [Read more]

03/06/2013 Momentum Met-con

Josh Schouten | 03-06-2013
Warm-up Team of 2 people spend 4 mins on each paired station Round 1: Tempos apply to first exercise on each station Station 1: Push-Press 50x0 and Alternating Battle Ropes Station 2: Trapbar Dead lift 50x0 and Reverse Sled Drag 80kg Station 3: Box Squat to Jump 50x0 and KB Walking Lunges Station 4: Inverse Row 50x0 and Burpees Station... [Read more]

03/06/2013 CrossFit Endurance @ CrossFit Hackney

Josh Schouten
At CrossFit Hackney we believe that CrossFit Endurance (CFE) is smashing all the rules and offering the endurance community an alternative to train for ALL endurance sports in possibly a smarter and healthier way. Both Stretch and Josh have trained under the Co founder of Brian Mackenzie seeing amazing results in not only their own training but also the athletes that have... [Read more]


Josh Schouten
Strength A-1 Press-up (ecc) 4 x 6-8 5010 rest :60 A-2 Chin-up (ecc) 4 x 6-8 5000 rest :60 B-1 Hollow Rocks 4 x 15-20 1010 rest :30 B-2 L-Sit 4x ALAP rest :30   W.O.D 1 5min AMRAP: 5 x Thruster 40/20kg 10 x TTB (or scale)   Rest 2min   W.O.D 2 5min AMRAP 10 x Wall Balls... [Read more]

02/06/2013 Momentum Met-con

Josh Schouten | 02-06-2013
In partners 45 sec work 15 second change x4 rounds at each station. 1. Weighted prowler push / jump pull ups 2. MB squeeze press / MB alt lunges 3. Working together 2xBB press / BB alt squats 4. Weighed sled pull / seated rope pull up 5. Left leg high step / right leg high step 6. Farmers walk /... [Read more]

June 2013: Momentum Workout Of the Month

Josh Schouten
The first ever W.O.M at CrossFit Hackney is..... <insert drum roll here>   Cindy (20min AMRAP of:) 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats   Over the coming weeks the team at Momentum Training will be helping all of our athletes improve these movements.  The goal is to SMASH your Cindy scores in June 2013.  Lets get to work team!