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CrossFit Gymnastics – September 2018

Jenna Fisher | 04-09-2018
Last month's conditioning workout had some fantastic results. The re-test in the final week revealed the success of your hard work with scores being reduced by 3-8 minutes. This month we return to strength with some extra drills to help your muscle to contract faster to achieve more explosive reps. The month will also give you the chance to identify... [Read more]

Crossfit training plan – 3/9/18 – 9/9/18

Geoff Stewart | 01-09-2018
Welcome to Phase 5, week 1 of our 2018 training plan. Week 1 of your new training phase is here and it's looking and feeling tasty. You'll be starting with some higher reps basic lifts. When you see 4x10-12, this means 4 set of between 10-12 reps. The 4 sets should be working sets, NOT warm up sets. The first... [Read more]

Heavy Metcon 29/8/2018

Josh Schouten | 29-08-2018
Warm up because you know you need to!! 10 minutes working on your own: 10 power cleans 10 calories (bike) 10 DB shoulder to overhead 10 calories (row) Working in teams of three: 30 seconds work, 1 minute rest. Station 1: power cleans (50-70 kilos) Station 2: bike (never stop moving) Station 3: deadlifts (90-120 kilos) Station 4: rower (never... [Read more]

Crossfit Hackney / Old street training plan phase 5

Geoff Stewart | 25-08-2018
New training phase - phase 5 of 2018 Phase 5 will start on the 3rd September 2018 and run for 10-12 weeks. We will start off by introducing this new phase with some basic mantra stuff that is vitally important to the training plan and community at Momentum Training. We love a good chat about training cycle, strength gains, max effort... [Read more]