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G.P.P. training program 3rd August -9th August 2020

Geoff Stewart | 31-07-2020
    Welcome back and isn’t it great? So how are you all finding the new set up and timetable? And much more importantly how are you all feeling? We have had some feedback about trouble with stairs, getting on and off the toilet and putting object into cupboards above eyelevel. We did warn you many many times. For most... [Read more]

Gymnastics programming – August

Anthony Masters | 29-07-2020
Hello everyone, This will be short & sweet, my guess is during these last few months many of us have either not been doing too many serious pull ups & dips (the foundation to most gymnastics skills) or put on some extra kilos making that stuff much more harder. So the program for august is a focus on bringing back... [Read more]

GPP training program 27th – 2nd August 2020

Geoff Stewart | 26-07-2020
    Welcome back and isn’t it great? As we hope you’re all aware we are running a slightly different set up, timetable and program at the moment due to this thing called Corona. Our GPP program is exactly what is says, General Physical Preparedness. Our aim in this first 1-3 weeks is to get you all back into the... [Read more]

GPP training program 26th July 2020

Geoff Stewart | 24-07-2020
    We finally sliding open the big steel doors and opening the wobble glass door we are opening on the Saturday 26th July. It’s about F***** time too. Our new GPP (working title) class will follow the same format we have been road testing for the last few years with great success.  As we regularly state, Momentum training follows... [Read more]

cancellation Policy

Geoff Stewart | 22-07-2020
Dear all. As your aware we are getting ready to re-open on Saturday 26th July and are super excited to see all your happy faced pre-workout and your sweaty faces post workout.  We will running smaller classes than normal so spaces will be limited. Can we please ask that if you are booked into class and unable to make it... [Read more]

StrongCon – July and August

Josh Schouten | 21-07-2020
StrongCon is the class to choose if you would like a heavier Metcon using barbells for some lifts instead of dumbells and kettlebells. If you need to spend time mastering technique or building confidence it might be a good idea to start with Barbell Club and then move to StrongCon once you feel comfortable with lifting on the bar. (Both... [Read more]

Barbell Club – July & August

Josh Schouten
Barbell Club is the class for you to focus on strength and hypertrophy. It is also ideal if you need to spend time mastering technique or building confidence before moving into the faster-paced classes. The full program is provided here: Barbell Club - July & August full program Note that the reps are starting quite high this month using Andre... [Read more]

Gym etiquette

Josh Schouten | 14-07-2020
When we re-open fully on 25th July, we'll be making a few changes to the gym space to keep everyone safe: please have a read and contact us with any questions you might have, before you attend classes. Smaller classes and designated workout spaces Our first plan is to bring in smaller classes, spread across both rooms. This means that... [Read more]

Outdoor Classes

Josh Schouten | 02-07-2020
Outdoor Classes are here! Currently only 6 people so we can abide by the guidelines. As you can see these are bookable by the timetable. We are starting with a small number of classes and looking to grow and develop these as we go on. These classes will be at the rear of the gym (Acton Mews) and could be... [Read more]