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StrongCon – New Workouts

Jenna Fisher | 17-03-2020
Hello all I have created new StrongCon workouts to see us through this period of the Coronavirus. StrongCon workouts - 2020, Phase 2 These workouts are designed so that you a) no longer share equipment in the way that you have been previously, and b) have time to clean any equipment that will be shared with disinfectant before you do... [Read more]

Crossfit program 16th – 22nd March 2020

Josh Schouten | 15-03-2020
  2020 - Part IV Moving into the 4th phase of training for 2020 we are going to use Mondays and Fridays to work towards some heavyish loads so we can begin to test ourselves. Aim to get used to adding a little more weight whilst keeping good technique with these sets of 2-3 reps. Phase V is where the... [Read more]

Momentum x Coronavirus

Josh Schouten | 09-03-2020
At Momentum Training, the health and safety of our members and staff are the number one priority. We ARE OPEN and trading as normal. Here’s a little bit about what we are doing in the gym to keep us as safe as possible, please note this requires some input from you, the members. (more…)

Crossfit program 9th – 15th March 2020

Josh Schouten | 08-03-2020
  2020 - Part III This being the last week of the third phase of training this year. We have the opportunity to test a couple of things this week. That being the 1+1 on the Power Clean + Clean complex, Split Jerk & Power Snatch + Snatch complex. Let's get these tested this week. Next week we will see... [Read more]

Workouts and beers

Jenna Fisher
*THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. IT WILL BE RE-SCHEDULED ONCE THE GOVERNMENT HAS APPROVED SOCIAL GATHERINGS* Date of workouts (and beers): Saturday 28th March, 12pm start Deadline for registering: Saturday 14th March Email Jenna [email protected] to register Since many people tell me they want to come to these events but not compete there will be three options to... [Read more]

Mobility class – March

Anthony Masters | 03-03-2020
Hi everyone, This is a short one, for the next 1 - 2 months of the mobility programming i am going to be making the first half upper body focused, particularly addressing the neck & scapular (shoulder blades). The idea is to have a specific and consistent stimulus to see some more progress, especially for the regulars that make it... [Read more]

Gymnastics – February

Anthony Masters | 02-03-2020
Hi everyone, Many of you know gymnastics is getting a revamp, we are taking out the CrossFit and making it pure gymnastics yet keeping a small aspect of conditioning for those that still want to see some of that. There are a few main intentions going forward with the structure and programming for the next few months to ensure everyone... [Read more]

Barbell Club – March 2020

Jenna Fisher | 01-03-2020
This month is Phase 2 of the Juggernaut method. Once you have entered your AMRAP numbers from last month the spreadsheet will tell you what to lift this month. If you are joining Barbell Club for the first time you should start from week 1 of Phase 1. (I have allowed 22 weeks of classes to complete this 16-week program... [Read more]