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Weightlifting Programming – March 2020

Josh Schouten | 01-03-2020
Hello! I can't quite believe it is March already! Quite a few more drills this month and some squat volume, meaning more reps at lower percentages. This should hopefully translate into our lifts and help increase our overall strength. YAY to Squat conditioning. The idea this month is to really work on extension, that final pull! I have designed this... [Read more]

New Classes!

Jenna Fisher | 06-02-2020
  The Thursday morning timetable is changing with the addition of new classes. As of February, the ‘CrossFit’ will be taken out of gymnastics to work purely on strength. This will now be a Gymnastics class. Conditioning will be available in the front room at both 6am and 8am in a StrongCon class. The new schedule: 6am Back room: Gymnastics... [Read more]

Mobility – February

Anthony Masters | 04-02-2020
Hello all, First off well done for all making it down during these dark gloomy months. The month of Feb mobility classes will be building on top of the foundation work we have seen in Jan. The classes will move from an emphasis on rotational movements seen for hips & shoulders towards putting bigger muscles that we are all the... [Read more]

Barbell Club – February 2020

Jenna Fisher | 02-02-2020
The Juggernaut Method begins this month. This is your opportunity to achieve good results but results require consistency. Dipping in and out here and there, or only doing half of the program, will not bring you the benefits. Nor will ignoring the %s prescribed and going too heavy too soon instead. It is a process. Enjoy the journey. (more…)

Weightlifting – February 2020

Josh Schouten
Week 1 Monday A: Snatch Balance: 5x2:  aim to catch strong and land into a full squat if you can B: Panda Pull + Hang Snatch : 1x3@50%, 1x2@60%. 1x2@70%, 5x1 @75% 1 rep = 1+1 and Panda Pulls should be from the floor C: Backsquats: 1x5@25%, 1x2@60%, 1x2@75%, 2x6@75%   (more…)